5 Steps to Secure Backup
5 Simple Steps to Securing Your Business Data
It is vital that you take regular backups of your important data and that you test that the information can be restored. This will help reduce the impact of successful attacks including ransomware.
Your most important business asset is data.
After all, without customer information, order details or product data, you will not be able to perform any business activities. Imagine partially or even completely losing your business data. It could mean the beginning of the end. At the very least, it would seriously damage your company image.
- Identify the data that needs backing up
The first step is to identify your critical data. This may be from a web server, important account or customer information, or just your “My Documents” folder.
- Make backing up part of your daily routine
Make sure your files are set to automatically backup at least once a day – or that you are manually backing up at the end of each day.
- Ensure your backup device is not permanently connected or syncing
Make sure that your files are not set to constantly sync. This may seem counter-intuitive, but software such as dropbox may become a hindrance if an attack alters or removes your important files and the corrupted data is automatically synced to your backup.
- Consider a cloud based or managed backup service
Consider a cloud based backup solution so that your backup data is stored offsite and accessible from all of your devices. CyberSteps offers an affordable managed service from £14.99 per month, you can find out more here.
- Regularly test recovery
Regularly test your backup procedure to ensure it will function when you need it most!
Implementing these 5 simple steps will make a difference to the security of your business and help you stay safe online.
If you would like some further guidance on this or any of the other topics covered on our blog then feel free to contact one of our friendly small business advisors on: 01684 600 001 or