
With over 100 new malware threats being discovered each day, Antivirus software is, for many small businesses, the primary method for protecting their computer systems from threats.

When you buy a new computer for your business it will often come with a free 30 day trial of an antivirus package such as McAffee or Norton. 

It's very important to ensure that beyond the trial period you have something in-place to keep your systems secure.

Unfortunately, many users don't know how to properly configure their antivirus or keep it updated, and may let the antivirus software expire without even noticing that their computer is no longer protected against current malware threats.

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With such a crowded marketplace, how can you know which solution is the best?

Anti-virus and anti-malware protection are critical to securing your business assets against zero-day threats, viruses, and ransomware. But as silent workers in the background on our devices we often forget how important they are and exactly what they do to protect us.

Bitdefender has consistently ranked highly for its performance, usability and protection amongst industry experts, protecting 500 million devices every single day. Its proven track record from numerous accolades means it is one of the best and most recommended anti-virus products on the market.

Why choose Bitdefender GravityZone?

The bundle of services that make up Bitdefender GravityZone is perfectly suited for small to medium businesses.

It’s completely managed within the cloud by CyberSteps, meaning there’s no cost to maintaining hardware, and it’s able to catch advanced threats that other solutions might miss. It means you get peace of mind with a solution that can quickly stop infections, computer slowdowns and ransomware from invading your business.


Features you can look forward to include:


Anti-virus and anti-malware
Supreme protection against known and unknown threats to safeguard your systems against slowdowns and infections in real-time.

Dual-layered Firewall
Blocks access to hijack attempts and features intrusion detection to stop malicious software from entering your system.


Web Filtering
Protect your employees by blocking access to potentially harmful websites in search results when browsing the web.

Data Protection
Prevents the loss of confidential data by setting filters that will block the transmission of sensitive information.


Remote and Local Quarantine Management
Quarantined items can be managed from the cloud console by the CyberSteps team or stored on the computer so you always have access to your historical data.

Dashboard Monitoring and Reporting
Gain access to on-demand or scheduled reports to monitor and control security activity with highly granular controls.


Simple Remote Deployment
Save time by having the CyberSteps team remotely installing protection on all computers that are unprotected.

Security and Location-aware Policies
Enhance your company security by creating location-aware policies that adapt as your employees take their devices outside of the office.


Protect, Control and Manage

It’s easy to protect your device when you know how. That’s why Bitdefender GravityZone from CyberSteps takes a three-step approach to security. Its stringent anti-virus and anti-malware tools provide continuous process monitoring from its global threat intelligence network to protect your business system. You can control how the software deploys with simple remote deployment and restrict access to applications and websites in real-time. And finally you can manage all processes from a centralised point of contact at CyberSteps, with access to audit logs and reports.

Call us today on 01684 600001 for more information.

OR sign up now frOM only £3.99 per month

Cloud Managed Antivirus
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Once you have secured your businesses computers with an antivirus package, the next step is to setup a robust data backup plan so that your important business data is kept safe.

Your computer will usually come with some kind of backup software built in, on MacOS it's called Time Machine and will enable you to backup to a USB hard disk drive thats connected to your computer. On Windows its simply called Backup and will do the same.

It's really important for any business to make sure that backups are taken daily (could you afford to lose a day's data?) and that backup disks are stored safely offsite over night, preferably with multiple disks and multiple locations.

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If this sounds like a chore, it's because it is! - which is why many businesses let backups lapse, misplace disks, don't check their backups or overwrite old data with new corrupted data.

One solution to this problem is to use a managed backup service whereby a third party takes on the task of backing up your critical business data in a secure and robust manner.

Why choose a Managed Backup Service?

Your most important business asset is data. After all, without customer information, order details or product data, you will not be able to perform any business activities. Imagine partially or even completely losing your business data. It could mean the beginning of the end. At the very least, it would damage your company image. Our Managed Backup Service gives you the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that your data is safely stored at all times.


guaranteeD data protection

Our Managed Backup Service uses high-end storage equipment, which is located in a physically secured UK datacentre. Due to an extensive SLA you can always access your backed-up data and the datacentre has multiple Standardisation Certifications


Remote backup of desktops, laptops and servers

As soon any of your businesses computers connect to the internet from any location the backup process will start. You will also be able to view and download your data from anywhere in the world via the secure web portal.

Multiple Storage Options:

 100GB workstation account
 250GB workstation account
 500GB workstation account
 1TB workstation account



Our managed backup service offers a cover-all, end-to-end solution for your backup issues. The solution creates a backup of the data on all of your computers, irrespective of your location. The solution operates in a fully automated way, offering unrivalled ease-of-management and supports various operating systems. It really is that simple.



Suitable for any operating system

Our managed backup service supports Windows, MacOS and Linux. This means you are ensured of the right backup capabilities now as well as in the future

UK data centres

With our managed backup service your data is fully encrypted and then sent directly to a highly secure UK datacenter.

This eliminates risks like theft and fire, which affect local tape or disk backups that you may have.

Our UK datacenters mean that your private business data is covered by UK law and never crosses any international borders.


Benefits to your business


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Backups are made automatically and regularly through a schedule. Therefore eliminating error, human intervention is unnecessary.

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High availability

With cloud backup your data is continuously and directly available. When you lose data, you can immediately start with restoring your data.

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Peace of mind

Cloud backup is ‘fire and forget’ software; once configured, it works fully automatically and continuously protects your business data.

Low Cost of Ownership

Low cost of ownership

Cloud backup needs to be configured once; thereafter all backups are executed automatically, saving you time and money


Easily Restored

Easily restored

The restore of your data is very fast and easy. You select the backed-up data and choose the target location. In no-time your files and folders are back on your computer.



The system keeps a history of your file changes depending on your retention preferences. Changed files are stored as a new version; this allows you to go back weeks to restore the desired version.



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Cyber Essentials

Now that you have implemented some basic Cyber Security steps for your business it's time to gain some recognition of the work you have put in and become "Cyber Essentials" certified.

Not everyone has the time or resources needed to develop a full-on cyber security system. So we’ve designed our Managed Cyber Essentials Service to fit around your businesses unique set of needs and combined with our Managed Antivirus and Managed Backup solutions we've got everything covered end-to-end.

If you are looking for a trusted partner to help get your business safe, secured and certified so that you can show your new and existing customers that you take their data security seriously then Cyber Essentials is what you need.

Protect your organisation against cyber attacK

Cyber Essentials helps you to guard against the most common cyber threats and demonstrate your commitment to cyber security

The benefits of certification

Cyber Essentials can help your organisation in many ways


Reassure new and existing customers that your business takes cyber security seriously.

Be listed on the online NCSC Directory of organisations awarded Cyber Essentials.


New Business
Attract new business with the promise and proof that you have cyber security measures in place.

How can Cyber Essentials help you?

Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective, UK Government backed scheme that will help you to protect your small business against a range of the most common cyber attacks.

Cyber attacks come in many shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature, carried out by relatively unskilled individuals. They’re the digital equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it’s unlocked. Our advice and Managed Cyber Essentials Service is designed to help you gain certification and prevent these attacks.

What about GDPR?

Cyber Essentials and GDPR

The GDPR is a new set of regulations that came into effect on the 25th May 2018, designed to guarantee the privacy of individuals and protection of personal data, within the UK and European Union.

Although the regulation stipulates that you take appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of any personal data you hold, it does not provide a specific check list of measures for you to take. Instead, it specifies that you must determine your own cyber security approach based on the personal information you hold and the risk to individuals if the information that you hold was lost or compromised.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), whose job it is to uphold the GDPR in the UK, recommends Cyber Essentials as ‘A good starting point’ for the cyber security of the IT you rely on to hold and process personal data.



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